Saturday, December 16, 2006

Anti-aging ingredient ready for market

A new anti-aging ingredient developed by university researchers in Australia may be available in skin products as soon as next year.

Known as GGC, the ingredient is a forerunner for the anti-oxidant glutathione and has a number of possible health benefits, the University of New South Wales researchers said. Glutathione is a defense for detoxifying harmful compounds implicated in cancer, diabetes, aging and other diseases and degenerative conditions in the body.

University researchers said after nine years they developed a new, cost-effective way to manufacture GGC, which has been licensed to Biospecialties Australia.

Researchers said they expected the ingredient would be used in foods, health and beauty products, dietary supplements and anti-aging creams.

Natural dietary sources of GGC are available, including milk whey protein and garlic in diluted concentrations, researchers said. The new GGC product could allow for more effective doses.


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